Here's to a Happy (and Sustainable) New Year!

Here's to a Happy (and Sustainable) New Year!

2022 will be very personal, I owe myself a lot.

But mostly, I owe the planet a better ME!

Right now, we are swimming in an ocean of blah blah blah. If all businesses have a focus on ESG and sustainability, who’s burning our planet then? If we are all living on purpose and kindness, where’s inequality coming from? See? We can do better…

I’m not one for resolutions, I’m more of an blah-free-action-plan-with-tangible-goals-and-timelines-type-of-person and these are some of my personal goals for 2022 - measurable and manageable:

🌱Fly less, max of 2 trips per year - a hardy one when half of the family is spread around the world!
🌱Baths are great but they waste so much water - 4-minute shower it is!
🌱At least 80% of “new” clothing needs will be preloved (adults & kids & school uniforms included)
🌱At least 50% of our new home decor to be preloved / antique
🌱Veganise all meals that aren’t quite there yet and educate my boys on plant-based diets
🌱Eliminate food waste for good #zerotolerance
🌱Get extra creative with leftovers!
🌱Drive less and walk more (again, tough but a must try!)
🌱Learn how to sew and fix bits properly!
🌱Trust the process but keep pushing hard AF lawmakers and big corp - we must do better and we want them to join the convo… so emails, social media messages and @linkedin shameless intros, here we go!
🌱Join every climate action protest I can
🌱Join at least one big cleanup a month and bring my picker every time I’m out at a park or a beach
🌱Study, listen, read and absorb as much as I possibly can. I have my eye on two new courses, simply cannot wait…
🌱Buy local, support + protect the local economy at all costs
🌱Any new reuzi shops and / or pop-ups will be developed and executed with carbon neutral principles in mind #nonnegotiable

Luckily, there are incredible people doing even more incredible work out there so these should be doable!

Here’s to a better year ahead, folks…

Done is better than perfect and boy, we have a big list of to do’s ahead of us so let’s get to work!

Who’s with me?

1 comment

  • Sinead Cronin

    Hi, happy new year! Do you have a new premises yet? My ecover bottles need refilling! Sinead

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